



The Climate Emergency will become the greatest challenge of this generation

Just as many people think the oceans are almost infinite in their size, many also look up at the sky above and believe that the sky too, is almost infinite in its size. In fact it is not, it is an extremely thin layer where very complex chemical dynamics take place.

If the Earth were the size of a basketball, the thickness of the atmosphere could be modeled by a thin sheet of plastic wrapped around the ball. Into this fragile layer human activity pumps roughly 40 billion metric tons of CO2 pollution into the atmosphere per year, and this quantity is increasing, not decreasing, year on year. To believe that this growing mountain of chemical pollution accumulating in this thin layer, can be accommodated forever into the future without these green-house gases directly raising the planets temperature to beyond what is survivable for the vast majority of humanity, is delusional.

Virtually all of the Earth's habitable land has already been irreversibly changed and damaged, the oceans have been polluted and are dying, and the now the climate, the final frontier for the consequences of post-industrial human activity on the planet's atmosphere, is warming, changing weather patterns and accelerating the occurrence of extreme weather events the consequences of which may be flooding or droughts, with devastating consequences on those affected.

The Climate Emergency is not one separate problem to be deal with, climate change represents the cumulative effects of all of humanities bad post-industrial decisions, it is the culmination of the runaway damage done to ecosystems and habitats, forcing many species to or past the brink of extinction. The solution must be to address all of the root causes of the damage done, and find a new way of living in harmony with the natural world.

Earth is the planet that we call home and only planet that we have. We must all work together to reverse the damage collectively done and to create new models for living and for industry that have no negative effects on the environment or climate. We must do this if future generations are to be born into a world worth living in.


Carbon emissions

The clothing industry is one of the greatest polluters on the planet, responsible for 6.7% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.



Over-consumption is at the root of the planet's environmental crisis. Fast fashion means we now produce and throw away more clothes than ever before. Worldwide, 87% of clothing is landfilled or incinerated and less than 1% is never made into new garments.


Pollution of the oceans

Nearly 20 percent of global waste water is produced by the fashion industry. Fertilizer run off is responsible for algae blooms in rivers that run into estuaries and create huge oxygen deprived dead zones that kill off all fish and sea life.

Earth Positive

Why does it matter?

Earth Positive was designed in 2007 to be a blueprint for sustainable fashion, long before it became fashionable to include CSR in company financial reports or produce impact reports. And in the face of climate change today, Earth Positive represents an industry wide solution. This matters because fashion is cultural, fashion is influential, and fashion can be revolutionary. Historically, changes in what it was fashionable to wear represented important milestones in changes to the hierarchy of society, such as with the women's rights movement. Fashion today can be important in communicating personal values, after all, what a person wears is a visual statement of who they are and what they believe. Choosing and wearing Earth Positive apparel over conventional apparel is a personal statement demonstrating support for the environment and hope for the future. This matters.