
A Communication device

The essence of Leadership is communication

The T-shirt, a fashion statement, an expression of identity, a political slogan, and now, a communication device demonstrating the highest environmental, social and ethical standards.

Carbon Labelling

EarthPositive apparel has reduced the carbon footprint of a T-shirt by up to 90%. However, consumers require an independent verification process over the claims of individual companies. The Carbon Trust is trialling such a carbon reduction label. This carbon reduction label acts as both the verification and communication of the CO2 of EarthPositive apparel. The Carbon Trust product carbon footprinting method is to become the single standard for a product’s carbon footprint in the UK.

”The premise is simple. Calculate and reduce the CO2e emissions associated with the manufacture and use of a particular product. Label the product announcing that its use reduces the users contribution to climate change. Then allow it to compete in the market-place against non-climate-friendly products.”

Continental Clothing is leading the way in introducing the Carbon Reduction Label to countries outside the UK. It is using the Carbon Reduction Label online in its consumer education strategy in countries including France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Japan. There is significant interest from customers in other countries, and the Label has now been introduced in Australia.

One of the key drivers for using the Label internationally is that Continental sees its market evolving to increasingly value lower-carbon products. Continental’s Director, Phillip Gamett explains that: “Climate change – and thus carbon reduction – is a global problem, and it is irrelevant whether markets are ready for the Carbon Reduction Label: the sooner we introduce it, the sooner it will become of value”.

”The attractiveness of carbon reduction as an indicator of environmental responsibility has made it a goal for many companies, consumer brands, individuals and even countries.”

”Carbon reduction labels are a way of measuring the impact on the climate of making (or buying) a product, and also displaying a very clear commitment to carbon reduction.” Individual consumers will place an increasing focus on the environmental credentials of the businesses from which they make purchases."

Increased consumer awareness of climate change has catalysed demand for low carbon footprint products.